Most Asked Questions

  • chevron_rightPool Information
    Pool Hours - Both Pools
    Open - 10:00 am - 10:00 pm   
    No Pets are allowed inside the pool area - This is a SC DHEC (Department of Health and Environmental Control) rule and will cause the pool to be shut down if pets are inside.
    No Smoking in the pool area.
    No Glass or other breakable items are allowed inside the pool gates.  Broken glass will cause a 5 day pool closure, draining of the pool which will be costly to the HOA, and thus to the owners.  If you are at the pool and see someone with glass, kindly remind them that it is prohibited.
    Children that are not yet potty trained should ALWAYS wear swim diapers in the pool.  Parents should have extras at hand and constantly check to see if they need to be changed.  In addition, anyone of any age, who may be incontinent or feeling ill should not be swimming in the pool to avoid any accidents.  All bodily fluid accidents such as urine, feces, vomit or blood getting in the pool water will cause a mandatory pool closure that can be as long as 3 days. 
    Please be considerate of your friends and neighbors; how you act can effect the entire community.  Follow the rules so that everyone can enjoy the pool.
    A complete set of pool rules is posted at the pool.
  • chevron_rightWhat Amenities does Montclair have?
    Montclair has several amenities for its residents to enjoy:
    • Clubhouse
    • 2 Pools
    • 2 Exercise Rooms
    • Boat Storage (Limited)
    • Walking Paths
    • Children's Play Equipment
    • Gazebo
    • Doggie Stations 
ARB - Unit changes and alterations
  • chevron_rightCan I make changes to my unit?
    Yes, Owners may make changes to the interior of their unit.  But the desired alteration or modification must first be approved by the Architectural Review Board. Information regarding the ARB  is provided in the HOA section of this website under ARB Info.  
    Any Exterior changes requested such as screened in porches,  patio extension, landscape additions, etc. must also be approved by the ARB committee as well.  SEE ARB GUIDELINE LINK BELOW
General Community Information
  • chevron_rightAre their community announcement or news?
    Yes, most of our communication to the Residents is through email.  Make sure that the HOA has you most up to date email address so you do not miss out on anything.  In addition there is a Message Board on this site for community interaction, and a Blog where we will post articles or information on a variety of topics.
  • chevron_rightCan I use fireworks?
    No, Fireworks are not permitted within the Montclair Community.
    Excerpt from the Rules and Regulations regarding fireworks
    The display or discharge of firearms or fireworks within the Common Elements or Limited Common Elements is strictly prohibited.
  • chevron_rightCan my teenagers use the amenities without me?
    Children under the age of fifteen (15) are not allowed to use any amenities, including the swimming pool or club house without parental supervision.  Pool Rules for the use of the swimming pool have been established by the Association and are posted at the swimming area.  These Pool Rules shall have the same force and effect as these Rules and Regulations. 
    The Fitness rooms are available to all Owners and Occupants eighteen (18) years of age or older on a 24-hour basis. Anyone under the age of eighteen (18) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian when using the Fitness Center.  A key FOB is necessary in order to access the Fitness Rooms.  
  • chevron_rightDoes the POA provide pest control?
    Yes, the POA has monthly exterior pest control.  The contractor is out the 4th Tuesday of each month.
    The POA does not have interior pest control but as a courtesy, if you are having problems with "live" insects in side your Unit, you may contact the management office and your name will be added to a list for the upcoming monthly treatment, they do not make a separate trip.  If you request an interior treatment, all pets must be secured, and you must either leave the door open or be present to let the technician in the unit.  No specific time frame as to when they will arrive can be given.
  • chevron_rightHow do I get into the gate at night?
    In order to access the community you must have a white access card or have a 4 digit access code.  You will need to be registered with the property owners association through the management company and by registering your access card (a/k/a FOB) will be made active and your selected 4 digit code will be programed for your use.  Below is a downloadable Registration Form.
HOA Dues
New Residents
  • chevron_rightHelpful Information For New Residents
    New RESIDENTS should come to the Management Company office located at 1340-G Ben Sawyer Blvd. Mt. Pleasant, SC to register prior to move in; parking decals will be provided for each vehicle.
    If using a moving truck for your move, please notify the Management Office of the planned move in date.  Since there are assigned parking areas, the HOA can let you know where the truck can park during unloading.  Notifying the HOA office prior will prevent any issues on your move in day.
    Please be notified that no furniture may be dumped in the onsite garbage area, and moving boxes must be put in the recycling bin and must be broken down first.  The compactor is meant for household garbage only and cannot withstand the boxes.
    A copy of the Rules and Regulations are found here on this website under “Public Documents”.  All new residents are responsible to read and follow them.
    Registration Form                                          
Owner Leasing Requirements
  • chevron_rightWhat are the Owner Lease Requirements?
    Leasing Requirements for Owners
    Leasing is permitted at Montclair. Owners must first obtain a leasing permit.  (Lease Permit Application)
    Leases must be a minimum of one (1) year and the owner must provide the following information to the HOA. 
    New Tenant Requirements
    No Move-In will be permitted until the following requirements are met:
    • Copy of Signed Lease
    • Copy of Addendum signed by both the Owner AND Tenant  Addendum -CLICK HERE
    • Copy of Criminal Background Check provided by Owner
    • Persons will current security clearance – Military, Federal or State – may provide this document instead of the background check.
    • $175 Tenant Impact Fee will be billed to Owners’ account and payment will need to be made payable to Montclair POA. The POA will not accept payment (cash, check or money order)  FROM THE TENANT for the Tenant Impact Fee. (Please make sure your rental agent is aware that we do not take funds from the tenant).
    Montclair requires the items listed above (each time a new lease is signed these MUST be provided). It is the responsibility of the Owner to provide the listed information, regardless of who manages the property.  The Owner will be held responsible for obtaining the information and providing it to the Association. The failure to provide the information is considered a violation and will follow the violation fine structure noted in the Montclair Property Owners Association Rules and Regulations.
    Upon renewal of any lease; copies of the renewal documents ARE REQUIRED to be submitted to the office so that the HOA records are kept up to date, at all times.
    Once the items above have been provided, the new tenant will need to come to the Management office, located at 1340G Ben Sawyer Blvd. Mt. Pleasant, SC to register themselves and obtain parking decal for their vehicles.
    The Access key FOB for the pool and fitness rooms and front gate access.  The Owner/Leasing Agent usually will provide this to the tenant. They will be made active upon registration.
    Please Note: Failure to provide the above items can result in fines being levied.
    Printable copy of this information - CLICK HERE
    Excerpt of the Rules and Regulations regarding Leasing
    All rentals must be for an initial term of not less than one (1) year.  If any owner is found to lease their unit for any time frame less than one year there will be an IMMEDIATE $500 fine assessed to their account. No lease of a Unit shall be executed without the Owner first performing a background check on the prospective tenant(s). Persons with current security clearance – Military, Federal or State – may provide this instead of the background check.  Prospective tenant(s) that have been convicted of a felony are not permitted to lease a Unit in Montclair POA. The background check should include criminal records and confirmation that the potential renter is not on the sex offender registry.
    In addition, all leases must comply with Article 15 of the Master Deed.  Within seven (7) days after executing a lease agreement for the lease of a Unit, the Owner shall provide the Association with a copy of the lease and a copy of the background check results. The owner will also provide payment of a Tenant Impact Fee to the Owners Association for every new tenant that moves into the community. The fee is determined by the Board of Directors and may change. The name of all tenant(s) occupying the Unit shall be provided.  The Owner must make available to the tenant(s) copies of the Master Deed, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, and ARB Standards. Failure to comply with the above tenant requirements will constitute a violation and will follow the penalty and fine schedule here within.
Pest Control
  • chevron_rightIs there any Pest Control provided?
    The Association does have exterior pest control.  They come out and spray around the buildings on the forth (4th) Tuesday of each month.  Each homeowner is responsible for their own interior pest control.
  • chevron_rightAre pets permitted at Montclair?
    Yes pets are permitted, but Tenants are limited to two (2) per unit. 
  • chevron_rightCan I leave my pet on my Balcony or Porch?
    You can only have your pet on your balcony or patio if you are outside with them.  Pets are not to be left unattended outdoors.  In addition no porch or balcony can be used as a place for the pets to use the bathroom. 
    If an Owner or Tenant is found to be allow their pet to be left on the balcony or porch unattended OR use the space as a bathroom, that is considered a Violation of the Rules and Regulations and can result in a fine beginning at $100.
  • chevron_rightIs it MANDITORY to pick up after your Pet?
    Absolutely!  All pet owners must pick up after their pets, there are pet waste stations throughout the community for your convenience. There should be NO reason for an owner/tenant to not pick up after their pet.  If any Owner or Tenant is found NOT picking up after their pet it is a considered a violation of the Rules and Regulations and can result in fines that begin at $100.  Please take the time to read the following information on the dangers of feces if not disposed of properly.
    The Dangers of Dog Feces
    Dog Poop Dangers
    Dog poop smells bad and no one likes stepping in it, but it is more than an inconvenience it is a legitimate danger. Dog pool dangers come is several forms.
    • It poisons grass and lawns
    • It carries hookworms, ringworms, tapeworms and more.
    • It can transmit human diseases too!
    • It pollutes waterways and is in the same EPA category as oil and mine runoff!
    Dog Poop Carries Disease
    Of course, dog poop can carry worms.  This means if you dog visits the park or walks around the property and someone else left dog poop with worm eggs laying on the ground. Your pup is vulnerable. Dog poop can carry human-infecting ailments too, including vicious parasites.  Among other things, fido feces can include:
    • Giardia
    • Salmonella
    • Coli
    • Parvo Virus
    • Roundworms (the CDC shows 14% of Americans are infected with roundworms)
    • Up to 23 million coliform bacterial per gram of poop!
    Integrated leash/bag holders make it impossible to forget a bag when going out for a walk.
    Dog Poop Contaminates Water
    Many times it has been heard that they may not worry about a particular piece of poop because "it is about to rain soon anyway".  Not picking up fresh poop before rainfall is even worse than letting it sit on a dry day!
    When the rain washes over dog poop and it flows into the drainage system, that contaminated water is carried into local waterways.  If you like to hang out at a nearby waterway, this means the fecal water could be mixed in where you enjoy swimming and boating! Studies indicate that about 90% of fecal coliform bacteria, which is used as a measure of water health and quality, is of non-human origin, mostly canine.  Dog poop is considered so dangerous that it is in the same EPA pollutant category as oil and runoff from abandon mines, and two or three days worth of un-picked poop from 100 dogs can cause a big enough spike in bacteria levels to necessitate closing waterways within 20 miles to swimming and shell fishing.
Trash and Recycling
  • chevron_rightWhat can go in the Compactor?
    Only household garbage is permitted to be put in the compactor.  Unacceptable waste for commercial and multifamily service includes hazardous waste (examples include: paint, auto fluids, nickel cadmium batteries, and household and pool chemicals), electronics (computers, TVs, etc.), concrete, dirt, sod, sand, plaster, shingles, heavy building materials, hot ashes, tires, furniture of any kind, fluorescent bulbs and flammable or biomedical waste.  
    The code for the compactor door is 1 2 3 4
    Do not throw any items over the wall surrounding the compactor.  The dumpster is not open at the top and this just makes a mess behind the compactor.  Make sure that any items thrown into the compactor make it into the bin and not left on the ledge.  This is a problem and can attract animals and could injure others if something sharp was to hurt someone else diposing of their trash.
    No large, small or heavy moving or shipping boxes are permitted to be put in the compactor, they must be put in the recycling area located by the clubhouse building.  All boxes must be broken down before putting them in the recycling bin.
    There is posted sign that indicates a $500 fine for dumping improper items in or around the compactor area.  The area has video surveillance.
    Information per your Rules and Regulations:
    All rubbish, trash and garbage shall be regularly removed from the Unit and shall not be allowed to accumulate therein.  No garbage or trash shall be placed on the Common Elements or Limited Common Elements outside the Unit temporarily or otherwise. Trash must be taken directly to the dumpster for disposal. Any drainage or leaking garbage bags shall be the responsibility of the offending owner and/or their assignees.  Double bagging is encouraged.
  • chevron_rightWhere can we take BULK or large Non-household items?
    For your information, below are some Charleston County Convenience Centers:
    Please take any Bulk or NON-household garbage to these centers yourself.
    Bees Ferry Convenience Center
    1344 Bees Ferry Road, Charleston, SC 29414
    Tues. 7:30-6pm, Wed. 1pm-6pm, Thur-Sat 7:30am-6pm, Sun. 1pm-6pm
    Awendaw Convenience Center
    6380 Maxville Road, Awendaw, SC 29429
    Tues. 7:30-6pm, Wed. 1pm-6pm, Thur-Sat 7:30am-6pm, Sun. 1pm-6pm